How do we plan your wedding day

Planning a wedding is a long process, it starts by some email inquiries to London caterers and professional wedding advisers and soon, your special day’s planning will start to unfold.  For every wedding each Bride and Groom will have a different menu, a different idea, many different memories, and that’s why we are here to help you start planning…

At first we like to have a conference call with you to get the feeling of what your wedding plan is… we will then speak to our Chefs, think and then we will start to plan your big day. We will send you an initial comprehensive wedding estimate  including your ideas and also your menu… We will then call you to see how you like the proposal. At this point we will set up a meeting with you, ideally at the your chosen wedding venue and the then work starts…

It is important that you feel confident with your wedding organizer so the energy and ideas will pass between each other… You need to like your wedding organizer and the wedding organizer needs to like you as we will be spending  lots of time together planing your unforgettable day…

the first consultation meeting will last around 2 hours, walking around the venue, talking about the food and the menu, decorations, flowers, photography ideas, table decoration, your colour scheme that you are thinking of using and most importantly your wedding budget…

After that we are doing all the planning, matching foods, feelings and your ideas… Trying recipes and coming up with a lovely proposal…

Our next meeting will be two hours long, you will be invited  to our meeting room to taste our mouth-watering ,freshly cooked food, in the meeting we will serve you a full meal for two , according to the menu you have chosen.. We will welcome you and then leave some time for you to eat the meal and discuss it together. You are welcome to bring your own wine ,however, you could also taste some delicious wine from our list. The Wedding planner will then join you for desert and we will continue the planning. By this time we will be 100% confident that your palet, your soul and your heart will be with us for the final planning of your big wedding day…

We will share ideas, prepare you with your wedding contract… keep planning with you throughout the month before your big day.. Giving conference calls when you need it.. Constent ideas and advice until two weeks before the wedding when we meet again for a finale meeting in the venue…. we will speak together on the week of your wedding, and when your “big day” arrives, we will make your wedding day an unforgettable memory.

All we expect from you is just to relax, to enjoy and savor the moment…and maybe we will hear from you after your honeymoon like many of our previous clients….

Easy Gourmet Client testimonial

we hope you will love your wedding just as much as we love preparing it for  you!!!

Easy Gourmet

Author Easy Gourmet

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