Amy and Gerwyn iphone

Amy & Gerwyn got married the Saturday 15th June at The Roost (London E8 2HJ)

Brides Wedding Dress: Vintage 1940’s dress from Fur Coat No Knickers

Groom outfit: A suit that fits

Flowers: Achillea Flowers

Photographer: Lisa Jane Photography

Wedding ceremony venue: The Roost

Transport to reception venue: Vintage white London cab 

Entertainment – (Band/Dj/Acts): The Club SMA DJs. Face painting courtesy of Eye Dare You, which was a lot of fun!

Decorations/theme/ideas/: Lots of colour, flowers, bunting and balloons!

Short description of how you describe your big day: A day full of good food and drinks, laughing and dancing, surrounded by all the people we love. All in all a perfect day!


Canape Menu :

Butternut and pesto with parmesan risotto balls

Smoked mackerel pate, sundried tomato and pea shoot on brown crostini toast

Carve Ham menu :

Free Range Cebo Iberian Ham

 Served with Home Foccacia 

Pie Menu :

Bacon, chicken and Taragon (free range british chicken, smoky bacon, roast garlic and vermouth)

Steak & Ale (free range beef steak, cracked black pepper and real ale)

Served plated from the kitchen Goat cheese  (v) (goats cheese, sweet potato, spinach, red onion and roasted garlic)

Bowl to share on the tables

Mash baby potatoes skin in butter sea salt and chives with cream cheese dressing

Salad with peas, peas shoot feta cheese, mint and chili served with French dressing

Mix summer vegetables (red onions, courgettes, peppers, cherry tomato, aubergine) in thyme’s  olives

Mini dessert Menu :

Raspberry Pavlova
Mini chocolate cups with dark chocolate mousse
Mini rhubarb and apple crumble

The lovely review written by the couple..

Wedding at the roost, Easy Gourmet catering, London, London caterer

Easy Gourmet

Author Easy Gourmet

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