Katie and Harry's wedding – Mother of Bride review

“To Marie-Laure and team

I am sure you receive many many emails of thanks but I would still like to add to them and say thank you for making our daughters’ wedding day so memorable.

It went so well, like clockwork, which was all down to your support and organisation. The food was excellent, the staff were very friendly and worked so hard, and you and the ushers worked together to pull off an amazing day.

Mark and I had a fabulous time and you gave us as well as Katie and Harry memories we will treasure for a lifetime. As parents we can look back on the day and feel proud of the send off we gave her as she starts a new chapter in her life.

I do not have many photographs myself but here are a few and I am sure KT will share with you the professional photographs of the day at the Old Church. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to use the wedding as a testimonial.

kind regards

Mrs Thurston”

What a lovely review… Many thanks to the mother of Bride.

Beautiful wedding at the Old Church – Katie and Harry – 16/05/2015


2015-05-19 copy

Easy Gourmet

Author Easy Gourmet

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