Untitled-12 copyThe 16th of May 2015 Katie and Harry got married in The Old Church in Stoke Newington.

After the beautiful ceremony, Bride, Groom and their loved ones gathered to celebrate it in the lovely venue The Old Church where everything was ready and nicely decorated; white and pink tones, linen on round tables, flowers and candles on each table. Each table bear the name of a street of London, and on each of them were arranged beautiful handmade white place-name and two menu of the dinner. In front of the stage was installed the Love sign in big illuminated letters.

When guest arrived canapés (Goats cheese and herbs scone), sparkling wines and beers were served by the Staff of Easy Gourmet. The wine served throughout the evening comes from bride parents. After that, dinner started. The waiters of Easy Gourmet served, between the speeches of the different members of the family, the starters, the main course and finally the desert.
Following the last speech, Bride and Groom cut the wedding cake, and the party began with the band.


Assorted Artisanal Bread with salted butter


Goats cheese and herb scone
Roast butternut squash arancini with coriander chutney
Mini chorizo in jerez vinegar and tomato marmalade


Bowl of Mix seasonal leave with balsamic and olive oil dressing
1/2 Crispy scotch soft large eggs with aioli mayonnaise dressing served on the side

Main Course

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Slow cooked pork belly in sage and cider served with apple sauce

Baby potatoes in thyme
Mix green Peas, green beans, sugar snaps, sauteed broccoli in garlic and butter


Mini chocolate pot
Mini crème brulee
Mini rhubarb crumble
Mini eton mess and
Mini elderflower jelly

Venue: The Old Church, Stoke Newington Church Street, London N16 9ES.

Bride: Katie Thurston
Groom: Harry Smith
Best Man: Charlie Smith
Maid of Honours: Rosie Beauchamp
Father of Bride: Mark Thurston
Mother of Groom: Jane Smith
Florist: Robin Pritchard
Band: Festival Foxes from Tailored Entertainment group
The PA & Sound Engineer : Neil Brooming
Wine supplier: Parents of Bride

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Easy Gourmet

Author Easy Gourmet

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