Soula and William’s wedding review

Soula’s Review:

“Dear Marie Laure,

I hope you are well, I am sure you have been super busy with many events!

Thank you so much for making our wedding so perfect, it was a fabulous day and we really enjoyed all of it.

Of course if you would like to use any photographs feel free. I am still waiting for the pictures on disc, however the photographer had made her own blog which I can send a link to. I can send you a disc when it arrives so can upload any you would wish to.

I am sorry for the mirror and thank you for hanging on to it. I will arrange for Will to come collect it as soon as possible. I will speak to him when he gets home. I am unable to as I am working 7 days a week and not in the area.

I will be recommending Easy Gourmet to everyone, we had so much delightful feedback from guests!

KInd regards,


Chloe’ Review (Soula’s Mum):

“Dear Marie

All is settled up now and I just wanted to say on behalf of all of us that you did a splendid job and ALL of your advice was absolutely correct ( esp regarding quantity of champagne!!!!) You work so hard….
I did not know the photographer but having seen many wedding photos in my life I tell you this girl Clare Macintyre is head and shoulders over the others….one of my friends was Prince Charles official photographer for many years and she said the photos were superb for the occasion and took her details! Now there’s praise in deed!!

Best wishes to you


What a lovely reviews… Many thanks to the Bride and the mother of Bride.

Beautiful wedding at the Tab Centre – Soula and William – 20/06/2015

Easy Gourmet

Author Easy Gourmet

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